Wild Flower Calendar
Viper's Bugloss
Oxeye Daisy
Water Avens
Clustered Bellflower
Autumn Hawkbit
Salad Burnet
Night Flowering Catchfly
Small Teasel
Fresh Yellow Rattle Seed available - Fresh Yellow Rattle seed will be sent out from the end of July/beginning of August. Fresh seed has a higher success rate than seed which has been dried for longer. Yellow Rattle is a useful plant to introduce when creating a wild flower meadow. It is semi-parasitic on the roots of plants, especially grasses, & once established will reduce the vigour of the original grass by up to 50%.
Many of the flowers from last month will continue - some of them all summer long. Here are some July Wild Flowers that we currently stock seeds for - and depending on the time of year, plugs and bulbs. Click on the photograph to buy seeds and where plugs are also available they will be indicated on the seed catalogue pages.
Dormant Bulbs will be available from late August onwards and 'in the green' Bulbs from January next year, but there is a facility to pre-order them on our web pages under Wild Flower Bulbs.
Late Spring/early Summer is usually considered the best time to establish Pond Marginal plants when the water temperature is rising - they will establish more quickly and successfully then. For more information on creating a native Wildlife Pond, click here.
Warmer weather can lead to a growth of algae and blanket weed in your pond as the temperature of the water starts to rise and before the other plants in the pond have re-established after the Winter. It will usually clear up within a few weeks, but if not, barley straw can be used to inhibit the growth of algae while the pond finds a natural balance – see our Pond Logs/Pads which are made from barley straw and release natural compounds which inhibit the growth of algae in the pond water for about six months giving the pond a chance to establish a balance. For more information on Algae & Blanket Weed Control, click here.
Biennial Wild Flower Seeds to flower next year can be sown now, but ensure that the seeds/seedlings are not allowed to dry out over the Summer eg Evening Primrose, Foxglove, Teasel.
Fresh Bluebell seeds and
fresh Ramsons (Wild Garlic) seeds are available late July or August. They will germinate more quickly and with a higher success rate than dried seeds, but are only available for a short period in autumn.
Here are some July Wild Flowers that we currently stock seeds, plug plants or bulbs for.
Meadow Buttercup
Field Forget-me-Not
Bloody Cranesbill
Wild Flower Shop - All rights reserved. Wild Flower Plants, Plugs, Bulbs, Pond Plants, Seeds & Meadow Mixes.