Notice: Change To Seed Orders
We have temporarily suspended selling seeds for the next few months. This includes individual Seed Packets, Seed Collections and Meadow Mixes. If you would like to purchase our wild flower seeds you can still purchase them from Wild Garden Seeds at If you click the link below it will take you to their website (in a new window) and you will be able to buy all of the seeds we have been stocking with free delivery.
Individual packets of wild flower, wild grass, sedge and rush seeds. Sowing instructions are included on each packet. Collections of wild flower seeds can be ordered from the Seed Collection pages and mixtures of wild flower and wild grass seeds can be ordered from the
Meadow Mix pages. There are Sowing Instructions under Info & Advice.
Wild Flower Shop - All rights reserved. Wild Flower Plants, Plugs, Bulbs, Pond Plants, Seeds & Meadow Mixes.