December Wild Flowers

Wild Flower Calendar


Oxeye Daisy

       Wild Clematis

     Winter Aconites

Fresh Yellow Rattle Seed available - Fresh Yellow Rattle seed will be sent out from the end of July/beginning of August and needs to be sown by the end of December. Fresh seed has a higher success rate than seed which has been dried for longer. Yellow Rattle is a useful plant to introduce when creating a wild flower meadow. It is semi-parasitic on the roots of plants, especially grasses, & once established will reduce the vigour of the original grass by up to 50%. 

Fresh Bluebell seeds and fresh Ramsons (Wild Garlic) seeds are available late July or August.  They will germinate more quickly and with a higher success rate than dried seeds, but are only available for a short period in autumn. 

Apart from a few stragglers, there are few wild flowers in evidence during December and as the month progresses these too disappear depending on the temperature. A splash of colour is provided by berries and attractive seed heads (Teasels and Wild Clematis in particular).  If the winter is exceptionally mild, then Snowdrops and Winter Aconites may be in flower towards the end of the month. Click on the photograph to buy seeds and depending on the time of year, plugs and bulbs may also be available. 

We are reaching the end of the dormant bulb planting season, but many of the wild flower bulbs will also be available 'In the Green' from late January/early February eg Bluebells, Snowdrops, Wild Daffodils, Tenby Daffodils, Snakeshead Fritillary, Summer Snowflakes, Lily of the Valley, Winter Aconites, Wood Anemones, Round Headed Leeks, Ramsons, Lesser Celandine, Solomon's Seal, Monk's Hood.  ‘In the Green' bulbs are lifted in late winter when the bulb is actively growing and has roots and leaves.  They are sent out as soon as they are lifted and need to be re-planted immediately.  'In the green' planting is considered by some authorities as the most successful way of establishing Snowdrops in particular.



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