
Star of Bethlehem Dormant Bulbs

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Product Details

Star of Bethlehem
Ornithogalum umbellatum

Delivery from September 2025

This British wild flower is native only in the East of England, but has been widely naturalized throughout Britain. It grows in most soils in sun and is particularly suited to naturalising in grass. It is sensitive to the level of light and if the sky is overcast, the flowers curl up their petals by midday or earlier (reflected in some of its' local names eg Betty-go-to-bed-at-noon, Shamefaced Maiden, Eleven o'clock Lady). It is a short plant with white, star-shaped flowers appearing from April to June.

More Information:

Other Names : Dogs Onions, Betty-go-to-bed-at-noon, Shamefaced Maiden, Eleven o'clock Lady

Distribution : This British wild flower is native only in the East of England , but has been widely naturalized throughout Britain .

Habitat : It grows in most soils in sun and is particularly suited to naturalising in grass.

Description : Perennial. It is sensitive to the level of light and if the sky is overcast, the flowers curl up their petals by midday or earlier. The white, star-shaped flowers appear from April to June.

Uses: The bulbs were used as food before 15 th century, hence the name 'Dogs Onions'.

Planting Instructions for Dormant Bulbs: Bulbs should be planted in the autumn as soon as received. They are best planted where they can be left undisturbed. Plant with about 10cm of soil above the bulb, so that the soil covering does not dry out during the Spring. If the soil dries out, the plant may not have sufficient moisture to build up the bulb for flowering the following year.

Plant the bulbs as soon as possible upon receipt.

These bulbs were grown in Britain from cultivated stock.

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Star of Bethlehem Dormant Bulbs
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