Medium, greyish native perennial with flower heads of creamy white, rather like Yarrow, but with larger and fewer flowers from June to September. Tolerates most situations, but prefers moist soils.
Distribution: A native British wild flower, which is fairly common throughoutBritain.
Habitat: It grows on damp grassland, fens and scrubland. Tolerates most soils but is thrives best on acid or heavy soils.
Description: Medium, greyish perennial with flower heads of creamy-white, rather like Yarrow, but with larger and fewer flowers. Flowers from June to September.
Uses: Sneezewort roots were used in the Middle Ages to alleviate toothache. Culpepper, the 17 th
century herbalist, recommended putting the herb up the nose to cause sneezing and clear the head. The plant has long been cultivated in gardens for its attractive flowers.