Aconitum napellus
Delivery from September 2025
It is rare in the wild, but is believed to have been native to South West England and South Wales. It is a tall plant (up to 2m), with attractive spikes of helmetted bluish-violet flowers from May to June. Suitable for moist, shady areas and woodland. All parts of this plant are highly poisonous . Will be sent out as bare root tubers.
More Information:
Other Names: Venus' Chariot, Monk's Blood, Wolfsbane
Distribution: It is rare in the wild, but is believed to have been native to South West England and South Wales.
Moist, shady river banks and woodland
Description: Perennial. It is a tall plant (up to 2m), with attractive spikes of helmetted bluish-violet flowers from May to June.
Other Notes:
It is highly poisonous
although it was used as a medicinal herb in mediaeval times.
Planting Instructions:
The tubers should be planted as soon as you receive them. They are best planted where they can be left undisturbed. If the earth is frozen solid, then you’ll need to wait until it is crumbly again. If you do need to wait for a couple of days, sink the in some damp compost in a sheltered place until the soil is crumbly again.
Plant the tubers as soon as they are received.
These tubers were grown in Britain from cultivated stock.
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