
Meadow Grave Wild Flower Plug Collection

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Product Details

This collection consists of wild flower plug plants which are native to the UK. The plug plants are suitable for planting in a meadow grave site. The plugs are young plants, not seedlings, with a good rootstock and should be planted out as soon as you receive them. Planting instructions will be sent with each order and each variety will have an identifying stick label. The collection will be selected from the best quality plants available at the time of your order. A typical grave will be 7 feet by 30 inches and the pack of 18 plug plants would be the minimum size pack you will need to make a nice display once established. You can increase the pack size to 36 or 54 plugs if you would prefer denser planting and a quicker result. You will receive at least 6 different varieties (ie 3 of each when ordering 18 plugs etc). Your plugs will typically be selected from the following:

§ Agrimony
Agrimonia eupatoria

§ Clustered Bellflower
Campanula glomerata
§ Nettle Leaved Bellflower
Campanula trachelium

§ Bird's Foot Trefoil
Lotus corniculatus
§ Wild Clary
Salvia verbenaca
§ Cowslip
Primula veris

§ Daisy
Bellis perennis

§ Quaking Grass

Briza media
§ Great Burnet
Sanguisorba officinalis

§ Common Knapweed
Centaurea nigra
§ Lady's Bedstraw
Galium verum

§ Wild Marjoram
Origanum vulgare
§ Meadow Cranesbill
Geranium pratense
§ Musk Mallow
Malva moschata
§ Oxeye Daisy
Leucanthemum vulgare
§ Salad Burnet
Sanguisorba minor
§ Selfheal

Prunella vulgaris
§ Field Scabious
Knautia arvensis
§ Germander (Bird's Eye) Speedwell
Veronica chamaedrys
§ Tufted Vetch
Vicia cracca
§ Viper's Bugloss
Echium vulgare

§ Wild Thyme
Thymus polytrichus
§ Yarrow
Achillea millefolium

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Meadow Grave Wild Flower Plug Collection
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