Lycopus europaeus
Medium native perennial with pink flowers from June to September. Suitable for boggy areas as well as in pond margins. Prefers partly shaded site.
Available as Bare Root Plants or plugs.
Available late March to September.
Distribution : A native British plant .
Habitat : Ponds, pond edges, d itches, river banks and marshy areas in partly shaded sites .
Description : Perennial. Tall, straight stems with purple flowers from June to September.
Uses : The stem and leaves were used as an astringent and sedative and used to treat anxiety, tuberculosis and heart palpitations. It has also been used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism and related disorders. Industrially, Gypsywort was used in making a permanent black dye which is where it may have got its name from. Gypsies were said to have used it to stain their skin darker to resemble Africans or Egyptians when performing 'magic'.
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