Greater Knapweed
Centaurea scabiosa
Medium/ tall native with thistle-like, pink/purple flower heads from July to September.
: Native perennial across the
: Grassland and hedgerows in sunny sites. It tolerates poor soils and grows well in chalky soils.
Description : Medium to tall plant with thistle-like, dark flower heads with numerous deep pink/purple florets at the top of the flower head from July to September . Very similar to (Lesser) Knapweed but Greater Knapweed is a larger plant and the flower heads look more ragged.
Uses : It was used in 17 th century to treat wounds, ruptures, bruises, sores, scabs and sore throats.
Wildlife : Source of nectar for bees and butterflies and later, finches are attracted to the seed heads when ripe.
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