
Dragonfly Plant Collection for Ponds

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Product Details

Collection of Pond Plants for attracting Dragonflies & Damselflies

Late March to October only

This collection consists of a selection of pond plants which are native to the UK and have been specifically selected for their value in creating an environment suitable for Dragonflies and Damsel flies. Dragonflies & Damselflies need access to water at all stages of their lifecycle. They require shelter, sunlight, unpolluted water, emergent plants and hunting areas. They spend most of their lives as larvae living underwater and so submerged plants provide habitats for the developing larvae and help oxygenate the water. The marginal plants provide emergence sites for the larvae and also perching, roosting and egg-laying sites for the adults. The plants supplied are suitable for planting in the shallows of a pond between a depth of 10cm and 45cm and in the deeper areas. They should be planted out into a suitable location as soon as you receive them. The collection will be selected from the best quality plants available at the time of your order. The plants may be bare root or plug depending on availability.

You will normally receive:
12 Plant Collection: at least 6 different varieties (ie 1 deep water, 1 floating, 1 oxygenator and 9 marginals)
24 Plant Collection: at least 9 different varieties (ie 1 deep water, 2 floating, 3 oxygenator and 18 marginals)
36 Plant Collection: at least 12 different varieties (ie 2 deep water, 3 floating, 7 oxygenators, 24 marginals)
However, towards the end of the pond planting season (September & October), you may not receive any floating plants as they will have started to die back, but they will be replaced by additional marginal plants.

We do not include aquatic soil with the planting bags. You will need to purchase it from a local garden centre or use ordinary garden loam. You will need the following approximate quantities:
12 Plant Collection: 4 bags hold up to 16 litres of soil
24 Plant Collection: 7 bags hold up to 31 litres of soil
36 Plant Collection: 10 bags hold up to 43 litres of soil

Your plants will be selected from the following:

Deep Water Plants:

§ White Water Lily (larger ponds)
Nymphaea alba
§ Brandy Bottle
Nuphar lutea
§ Fringed Water Lily
Nymphoides peltata
§ Amphibious Bistort
Polygonum amphibium

Marginal Plants:

§ Bog Bean
Menyanthes trifoliata
§ Brooklime
Veronica beccabunga
§ Branched Bur Reed
Sparganium erectum
§ Purple Loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
§ Marsh Marigold
Caltha palustris
§ Flowering Rush
Butomus umbellatus
§ Pendulous Sedge
Carex pendula
§ Lesser Spearwort
Ranunculus flammula
§ Common Spike Rush
Eleocharis palustris
§ Water Forget-me-Not
Myosotis scorpoides
§ Water Mint
Mentha aquatica
§ Water Plantain
Alisma plantago-aquatica
§ Yellow Flag Iris
Iris pseudoacorus

Floating Plants:

§ Frogbit
Hydrocharis morsus-rane
§ Water Soldiers
Stratiotes aloides

Oxygenating Deep Water Plants:

§ Hornwort
Ceratophyllum demersum
§ Water Crowfoot
Ranunculus aquatilis
§ Ivy Leaved Water Crowfoot
Ranunculus hederaceous
§ Mare's Tail
Hippuris vulgaris
§ Spiked Water Milfoil
Myriophyllum spicatum
§ Curly Pondweed
Potomogeton crispus
§ Water Starwort
Callitriche spp
§ Water Violet
Hottonia palustris

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Dragonfly Plant Collection for Ponds
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