
Agrimony Plugs

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Product Details

Agrimonia eupatoria

Medium, native perennial with yellow flowers June to August. Most soils, but prefers sunny site.

More Information:

Other Names: Fairy's Wand, Fairy's Rod, Aaron's Rod

Distribution : Common in the south, but rare as you get further north.

Habitat : Grassland; moist or dry soils which are not acidic; sunny sites.

Description : Native perennial of medium height (50cm) with long, slender spikes of yellow flowers from June to August. The leaves are aromatic.

Uses : Agrimony has long been used in medicine being introduced by Mithradates Eupator in Asia Minor in the 1 st century BC. In ancient times, it was thought to be a remedy for snake-bite, poor sight, loss of memory and liver complaints. It is still used for liver complaints and to aid digestion. An infusion produced from its’ leaves is also used as a stimulating alternative to tea. A yellow dye made from it has been used to colour wool more recently.

Wildlife : It has a scent similar to apricots which attracts bees and other insects. Seeds also loved by finches.

Other Notes : It has a long association with magic and has also been known as fairy’s wand or fairy’s rod in the south of England. It is also more widely known as Aaron’s rod, in common with Verbascum thapsus .

Our plants and seeds are of native British origin.

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Agrimony Plugs
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