Your Wild Flower Shop plug plants should be treated the same as any ordinary garden plug plants.
We recommend that your plug plants are planted immediately for best results.
Do not let the plants dry out - keep them moist, but not soaked.
If they can't be planted immediately, keep the plants in a sheltered, cool location preferably in light shade to await planting.
Water well before planting.
Excessive foliage may be trimmed.
Take plug plant gently out of packaging by holding the leaves.
The planting hole should be the same shape and size as the plug, i.e. an inverted pyramid.
Try to keep the soil loose around the sides of the planting hole to make it easier for the roots to grow into the surrounding soil.
The plants can be planted into cultivated soil or into established grass.
If planting into existing grass, the grass should be mown down to 5 cm (2"), the clippings removed and the thatch scarified before planting.
When planting into existing grass, success is improved by reducing immediate competition while the wild flower establishes itself. This can be achieved by raking Yellow Rattle seed (Rhinanthus minor) into the grass. This is a semi-parasite on grass and once established it will reduce the vigour of the original grass by up to 50%. All ancient meadows have this plant.